Clinical Rotations

PGY1 Rotations # of Weeks
Med-FM 12 weeks
Surgery 4 weeks
Outpatient Pediatrics 4 weeks
Emergency Medicine 4 weeks
OB/Nursery 8 weeks
ICU 4 weeks
Night Float 4 weeks
Elective 6 weeks
Radiology 2 weeks
Orientation 4 weeks

“I really enjoyed my Palliative/Hospice elective rotation.  It was a great experience and our attendings on that rotation are fantastic.”  -- Daniel Vann, Class of 2020

PGY2 Rotations # of Weeks
Orthopedics 4 weeks
Emergency Medicine 4 weeks
Med-FM 8 weeks
Scholarly Activity 2 weeks
Community Medicine 2 weeks
OB/Nursery 2 weeks
Elective 10 weeks
Night Float 4 weeks
Med-H 6 weeks
GYN 2 weeks
Outpatient Pediatrics 4 weeks
Family Medicine Clinic 2 weeks
Orientation 2 weeks

During the Family Medicine inpatient rotation, we care for our patients in the hospital with our core faculty as attendings. We get to manage a wide variety of pathology, with plenty of backup, and the number of patients is regulated so we have time to learn the ropes. Morning report is aimed at practical patient care topics and focuses on issues relevant to the patients we are treating. We have a strong emphasis on primary care, and we follow-up with our patients in clinic after they are discharged.”  ​-- David Ransom, Class of 2018

PGY3 # of Weeks
Geriatrics 4 weeks
Med-FM 4 weeks
GYN 2 weeks
Behavioral Science (VA) 4 weeks
Inpatient Pediatrics 4 weeks
Night Float 4 weeks
Med-H 2 weeks
Dermatology 2 weeks
OB/Nursery 2 weeks
Family Medicine Clinic 2 weeks
Orthopedics 4 weeks
Elective 18 weeks

"I feel very blessed to work with my colleagues as we serve the people of Murfreesboro and surrounding areas.”  -- Zara Siddiqui, Class of 2019

The residents will have their own continuity clinics at Saint Louise Clinic.  PGY1 residents have one half-day of clinic per week.  PGY2 residents have three half-days of clinic per week.  PGY3 residents have four half-days of clinic per week.

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