The UTHSC-Nashville Cardiology Fellowship Program offers a 4-week Cardiovascular Disease elective rotation for UTHSC and visiting residents (2 week rotations will also be considered, but 4 week rotations are preferred). This cardiology inpatient consultative service elective rotation provides an excellent opportunity for residents to learn evaluation, differential diagnoses, and management of patients with various cardiovascular diseases at Ascension Saint Thomas Hospital West, a large tertiary care hospital in Nashville, TN with state-of-the-art facilities and equipment.
The clinical experience is enriched by balanced clinical exposures in all areas of cardiovascular diseases with daily rounds and didactic conferences. Residents will work with a team of fellows and faculty. They are expected to see several patients daily and discuss with the fellows and present to the faculty during rounds as a team. Residents will have the opportunity to follow respective fellows in clinic one half day per week for clinical experience in the outpatient settings, as well as participate in didactic lectures for one hour each day. Residents will not be required to be on call at night or work weekends.
UTHSC Residents should email at least 8 weeks prior to the beginning of the proposed rotation with the following information to apply:
Only residents from other ACGME or AOA accredited programs may be considered for approval to complete an elective Cardiovascular Disease rotation with the University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC) - Nashville Cardiology Fellowship Program. Completion of the following procedure is required before a rotation assignment may begin:
At least 12 weeks prior to the beginning of the proposed rotation, the visiting resident must submit the following to
Once the visiting resident receives initial approval from the program, the following must be submitted to
M4 Cardiology Elective (MED-45006)Available for UTHSC students (prior approval required) and visiting students through Visiting Student Learning Opportunities (VSLO) Clerkship Director: Dr. Timir Paul Clerkship Coordinator: Mackenna Darling
The UTHSC-Nashville Cardiology Fellowship Program offers a 2-4 week cardiology inpatient consultative service elective rotation at Ascension Saint Thomas Hospital West in Nashville, TN for 4th year medical students. Students will work with a team of residents and fellows. They will see 3-5 patients daily and discuss first with residents and fellows. They will present the patient to the faculty during the round. Students will have the opportunity to follow respective residents or fellows in the clinic one half day in a week for getting experience in the outpatient settings. Students will also participate in didactic lectures one hour each day. This is an elective rotation and students are not required to be on call at night and work during weekend.